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The Cure for the “Entrepreneur-in-Waiting” Blues

By Deborah Moyer | June 22, 2020

Are you an “entrepreneur-in-waiting”?  Someone who’s had a life-long dream of owning a business serving others, but, like many, you’re holding off because you think there’s too many obstacles in your way to create a sustainable and lucrative small business in today’s marketplace.   That’s where I was twelve years ago in 2008.   I had just…

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Why a Downsizing Move is Unlike Any Other

By Deborah Moyer | May 30, 2020

By Deborah Moyer Who loves moving?!  Oh, come on!  You know you LOVE having to wrangle a thousand little details like deciding what will fit in your new home, packing until your back breaks, trying to find a decent mover that won’t destroy your favorite things and my personal favorite, that mind numbing decision-making exercise…

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8 Reasons Why Senior Downsizing Is a Great Small Business Idea

By Deborah Moyer | May 12, 2020

Starting a small business today is unlike any other time in history.  Yes, COVID-19 has thrown us some temporary curveballs, but so did the 2008 Recession. Many small businesses, including my own, were successfully launched during that difficult time. The fact is that most businesses today will rebound post-COVID if they have the capacity to…

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5 Essentials To Know Before Becoming an Entrepreneur

By Deborah Moyer | April 27, 2020

Thinking about becoming an entrepreneur?  Almost 50% of American’s have strongly considered starting their own business at some point in their life and it usually comes with some common expectations about the perks of being your own boss. Is being an entrepreneur right for you? If you’ve felt stifled and frustrated in a traditional corporate…

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Own Your Own Business: What’s Keeping You From Taking the First Step?

By Deborah Moyer | March 30, 2020

At one time or another, have you wondered what it would be like to own your own business. Here’s what I’ve come to know about entrepreneurs.  It may happen sooner than later for some, but every entrepreneur I’ve ever met knows exactly the moment in their life when they instinctively knew they were meant to…

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Entrepreneurs: Is There a Silver Lining to COVID19?

By Deborah Moyer | March 17, 2020

First, and foremost, I hope that all fellow entrepreneurs reading this are hanging in there during this unprecedented and devastating national event.  It’s one thing to fight the fight with an enemy you can see and battle directly, but it’s another thing to try and fight something completely invisible.  Advantage, for now: COVID19. A FEELING…

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The 3 Essential Start-Up tools for a Senior Downsizing Business

By Deborah Moyer | December 27, 2017

If you’re thinking about starting a senior downsizing business, it’s critical to have the right business start-up tools. Ever bought a piece of furniture from IKEA? It’s the perfect metaphor for what entrepreneurs experience when they face starting a new business. Many of us have started a new goal and gotten excited to build something…

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How Senior Downsizing Chose Me as a Profession. Twice.

By Deborah Moyer | December 15, 2017

Looking back almost a decade ago, I can pinpoint the exact moment my career & life path took a sharp turn in an unexpected way to become a Senior Downsizing Specialist. At the time, I had no idea just how profoundly it would change my world in such an amazing way. I had just been…

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