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The 3 Essential Start-Up tools for a Senior Downsizing Business

By Deborah Moyer | December 27, 2017

If you’re thinking about starting a senior downsizing business, it’s critical to have the right business start-up tools. Ever bought a piece of furniture from IKEA? It’s the perfect metaphor for what entrepreneurs experience when they face starting a new business. Many of us have started a new goal and gotten excited to build something…

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How Senior Downsizing Chose Me as a Profession. Twice.

By Deborah Moyer | December 15, 2017

Looking back almost a decade ago, I can pinpoint the exact moment my career & life path took a sharp turn in an unexpected way to become a Senior Downsizing Specialist. At the time, I had no idea just how profoundly it would change my world in such an amazing way. I had just been…

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